Coaching fundamentals

Coaching Fundamentals – Complete training in coaching core competencies

The program offers 70 hours of specific training in coaching approved by the ICF – International Coach Federation

Coaching fundamentals represents the first phase of the systemic evolutionary coach training and certification program.

The program is directed towards both those who want to begin their training as professional coaches and all those who want to use the competencies of coaching and communication in their lives and work.

Coaching fundamentals consists of three basic paths:


Creating the future: coaching competencies for defining clear goals and building an effective program to achieve them;
  • From awareness to results: learning to think strategically and developing useful routines for obtaining personal and professional goals;
  • Coaching for evolution: start and manage a path of coaching through partnership and trust.

Coaches who complete the coaching fundamentals program can decide, at any time, to continue their training through participation in the successive phases of the systemic evolutionary coach training and certification program: coaching professional and coaching mastery.

The coaching core competencies program develops over 70 hours of training: 60 classroom hours and 10 of greater depth and practice.

The training can be in-person or in live video-conferencing.

The paths that make up the program are:
Creating the future
Coaching competencies for defining clear results and setting up an effective program to achieve them – 27.5 hours
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In this program participants learn to use for themselves and in their relationships with others some of the principal coaching core competencies defined by the ICF.

During the program different coaching competencies will be dealt with and practised, strictly linked to practical results. Specifically:

  • Personal and professional objectives: how to define them exactly and activate the correct mind-set for obtaining them (skill in defining the contract);
  • Recognize the values and rules that accompany our choices and those of others in a discussion (skill in active listening);
  • Enter into relations with any other speaker and promote his or her evolution (skill in active listening, empowering questions, direct communication);
  • Recognize one’s own talents and those of people around us (skill in active listening, creating awareness);
  • Develop plans of action which enable energies to be dedicated to what is important (skill in planning objectives).

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From awareness to results
Learning to think strategically and developing useful habits for obtaining personal and professional results – 15 hours
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In this workshop participants learn to use their awareness of both the internal rules that they follow in choosing how to act, and their own values and thought strategies, in order to define new possibilities and acquire the habits for obtaining results.

During the program different coaching competencies will be dealt with and practised, strictly linked to practical results.

  • Making objectives attractive and desirable: how to link objectives to one’s own values to increase the determination to achieve them (skill in defining the contract);
  • Making the context (work, family, relationships) an ally in gaining the results, observing it from new perspectives and defining how to interact with it (skill in empowering questions and direct communication);
  • Entering into an interaction with anyone else and promote his or her evolution (skill in active listening, empowering questions, direct communication);
  • Activating the correct resources for developing infinite possibilities (skill in defining actions);
  • Practising consistency and finding motivation (skill in managing improvements and accountabilities).

At the end of the module participants will have gained the capacity to observe different situations from a plurality of viewpoints, to link specific results to their own deeper motivations, and to develop a particularly motivating training plan.

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Coaching for evolution
Start and manage a path of coaching through partnership and trust – 27.5 hours
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In this module participants learn to use the competencies acquired in the preceding program to set out on a path of coaching with their own clients and develop the ability to sustain an effective coaching interaction.

The main elements dealt with during the program are:

  • Path of coaching and coaching session;
  • Presenting coaching;
  • Defining the objectives of a whole coaching course;
  • The three management phases of a coaching session: contract, awareness, possibilities and choices;
  • The coaching partnership: competencies of ‘trust and intimacy’ and ‘presence’;
  • Closing a coaching path.

By means of this seminar the coaches in training will have the ability to use coaching competencies in a path with their clients.

The ethics of coaching, as stated by the ICF, will be dealt with in this part of the program by means of didactic case-studies.
At the end of the training modules participants will receive Menslab certification attesting to 70 hours of specific coach training approved by the ICF (ACSTH), which can be used, together with the other requirements, to attain the ICF’s first level of accreditation (ACC – Associate Certified Coach).

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