Coaching Training- Systemic Evolutionary Coach

Become a professional coach – programme accredited by the ICF as ACTP

Coach training with Menslab’s international coach trainers to truly learn the competencies and become an excellent professional coach.

The systemic evolutionary coach training and certification program is accredited by the ICF – the International Coach Federation – as an ACTP – Accredited Coach Training Program, the highest level of accreditation for training programs. As a result, the program’s diploma satisfies the requirements in training and mentor coaching needed to obtain the certification of ACC – Associate Certified Coach, and PCC – Professional Certified Coach, awarded directly by the ICF..


The program develops over 170 hours of training, mentor coaching, practice and in-depth analysis. At the end of the training there will be a final examination for attaining the systemic evolutionary coach diploma.

The areas that make up the program are:
The program in detail
The systemic evolutionary coach training and certification program: visions and objectives

The program integrates the coaching philosophy promoted by the ICF and the study of specific competencies through the approach of linguistic precision, deriving from transformational linguistics, as well as the systemic approach.


The systemic evolutionary coach training and certification program has been developed for training excellent coaches who will be of genuine use to their clients, thanks to their ability to:

  • Observe the world from different perspectives, finding the inter-relationships between elements thanks to a systemic vision;
  • Support clients in becoming conscious of how their choices and actions produce concrete results and well-being;
  • Utilize an empowering language and manage the spaces of silence to generate contexts of successful learning;
  • Live the profession of coaching, making constant reference to a strong ethical approach, as a guide for being of greater use to clients and the profession;
  • Recognize how contexts and systems of learning influence and are influenced by individual choices and actions;
  • Think of clients as a system in which the different components, that is, the body, the mind, the system of values and that of beliefs, such as its own goals or mission, are to be considered in their totality to promote evolution, results and well-being;
  • Keep constantly up-to-date, interacting with expert colleagues and other professionals, to offer to their clients the best possible state-of-the-art training.
The training modules

The training program develops in four major phases for a total of 170 hours of teaching, mentor coaching and integral activities.

The four major phases are the following:

1. Coaching Fundamentals, for a total of 70 hours of training and analysis, composed of:

  • Creating the future: coaching competencies for defining clear goals and building an effective program to achieve them – 27.5 hours;
  • From awareness to results: training in strategic thought and developing useful habits to gain one’s own personal and professional goals – 15 hours;
  • Coaching for evolution: starting on and managing a coaching path through partnership and trust – 27.5 hours.

2. Coaching Professional, for a total of 45 hours of training, composed of:

  • Languages of precision – 27.5 hours;
  • Systemic coaching – 27.5 hours.

3. Coaching Mastery, for a total of 22.5 hours of training chosen on the basis of the interests of the coach and the courses set up in different locations. The programs from among which to choose are:

  • Training teams of excellence: training in team coaching – 22.5 hours;
  • Teams that create value: from team coaching to team mentoring – 22.5 hours;
  • Coaching, mentoring and supervision – 7.5 hours;
  • Coaching and neuroscience – 22.5 hours;
  • Somatic coaching – 15 hours;
  • The language of well-being – 15 hours;
  • Coaching towards career and professional choices – 15 hours;
  • Tools and techniques of business coaching – 15 hours;
  • The business of coaching – 15 hours;
  • Inspiring learning – 15 hours;
  • Inspiring wisdom – 22,5 hours;
  • Inspiring presence – 7,5 hours;
  • Inspiring presentations – 22,5 hours;
  • Inspiring listening – 22,5 hours;
  • Inspiring questions – 22,5 ore;
  • Inspiring partnership – 22,5 hours;
  • Inspiring mentoring – 22,5 hours.

4. Programme of certification, or a total of 22.5 hours composed of mentor coaching and personal research.

  • Mentor coaching – 10 hours (7 hours in small groups, 3 individual hours);
  • Personal research – 12.5 hours
Didactic organization

The training modules are given in-person and/or by means of teleconferencing systems. Each module provides for direct interaction between the trainer and the participants. Some modules require a number of activities of greater depth (research, practice …) to be completed.
The path of mentoring is followed partly in-person, and partly by means of audio and/or web conferencing.


The systemic evolutionary coach training and certification program has been developed to offer to the participants solid competencies in the different areas that constitute the theoretical corpus for an excellent coach. As well as the contents, the program provides for numerous practical activities which are aimed at applying what has been learnt.
Each module is designed by taking account of the most up-to-date and effective training methodologies for adults and is structured to respond to different styles of learning. By means of mentoring and supervision the participants are accompanied towards consolidating their learning and are supported in the early phase of their work with clients.

Learning objectives

As a result of participation in the program the students will have integrated the principles of coaching in their lives, making themselves accountable for gaining their personal and professional results, as well as having acquired the competencies to create spaces of learning and development for their clients.


The general objective is pursued by means of the acquisition of a solid theoretical base of reference which includes:

  • the systemic approach, linguistic precision, learning theories, the science of management – principally orientated towards personal success, leadership and the definition of objectives;
  • the promotion of a learning space that enables the coaching competencies to be constantly practiced and integrated in the style of communication;
  • the development of a culture of individual accountability for the continuing pursuit of excellence for oneself and one’s clients;
  • focus upon ethics and respect for every kind of human being and organization to promote individual accountability for the effects of one’s own choices and actions.
Menslab’s coaching approach

In Menslab’s view, an effective coach has increased competence in:

Language. For a coach it is fundamental to understand how language influences the construction of human beings’ reality and well-being. Taking this belief as a starting-point, the training program promotes the development of a ‘clean’ language, direct and effective.

Systemic approach. The systemic vision allows different viewpoints to be considered, as well as the relationship existing between the elements present in a context. Using a systemic perspective in coaching allows consideration of how the client influences and is influenced by systems of belonging, in such a way as to increase the possibility of making choices that will have a positive influence for both the client and his or her context of reference.

Management of cycles and processes. The focus upon coaching as a process rather than on single sessions allows the coach to concentrate upon the learning process and on how her or his client is learning from the experience.

Management of internal states. In order to be effective and at the service of his or her clients, a coach must manage his or her own belief system, emotions and judgement as to what is right or wrong, in such a way as to maintain the neutrality which allows the client to be left his or her own spaces of expression, practice and learning.

The trainers

The program is facilitated exclusively by professional coaches in possession of ICF accreditation who, apart from coaching competencies, have had solid training as trainers and instructors of adults.

Calendar, languages and directions for program provision

The calendar of the Menslab site is constantly updated with the dates and proposed locations for program provision.
The systemic evolutionary coach training and certification program is provided in Italian, Spanish and English.


The training provides for continuing direct interaction with the trainer, either through an in-person workshop or by means of webinar and audio-conferencing.

Users to whom the training programs are addressed and requirements for admission
  • Those who want to become professional coaches and, for that reason, want to acquire solid competencies and a large number of concrete tools to make their own professional activity effective;
  • Professionals – such as consultants, trainers, head hunters, sporting coaches, psychologists, counsellors – who want to expand their market, improving their assets by an extremely sought-after service, as well as bringing themselves up-to-date and acquiring competencies which empower those of their own profession to an extraordinary degree;
  • Managers who are looking to improve their own effectiveness by developing an attitude and approach that promotes the independence and development of co-workers and teams, strategic systemic thought, and focus on results, and/or those who want to open up new professional opportunities for themselves in the future;
  • Entrepreneurs who are looking for effective methodologies to evolve their own businesses by developing clear, very strategic visions and promoting the motivation and accountability of their co-workers;
  • Other professional figures who want to train themselves in identifying strategies of excellence for their own personal and professional development and for promoting the evolution of those people with whom they are connected.

Admission to the program requires university level preparation and professional experience. The admission requirements may be verified in a direct interview with one of the school’s trainers.

Enrolment, fees, refunds and cancellations

To be enrolled in the program you need to fill out an enrolment form and have an interview with one of the trainers.


The fee calculated for the entire training is shown in the course’s details and depends on the country in which the program is given and the teaching organization (in-person and distance-learning).


Payment of the fee for participation can be made by instalments and must be completed before certification.


The student can decide to leave the program at any time and will pay for only the hours of training completed, apart from a fee of Euros 300 + VAT for administrative costs. If the fee already paid by the student exceeds that for the hours attended and the fee estimated for administrative costs, Menslab will repay the excess fee paid.

Code of conduct

Students are asked to maintain confidentiality over whatever material is taught during the coaching practicals carried out in the training, both in full sessions and in sub-groups.


During mentoring students are asked to guarantee the total anonymity of clients and to describe mainly themes of the process rather than specific contents.


All students of the course are required to respect the ethical code of the ICF.

Go to the complete presentation of the systemic evolutionary coach training program
Contact us for more information

Choose to become a professional coach, with the program accredited by the ICF as ACTP.

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