Management training

Training in the competencies of coaching and mentoring for management, and in strategic communication and customized management training

Menslab’s training for businesses and organizations is built upon the most successful methodologies for achieving long-lasting results.

Our team of expert trainers and coaches is able to design and carry out ad hoc training programs to accompany businesses in projects of change management and their evolution

All our programs of management training are designed and implemented in full partnership with the business, to guarantee total respect for the company’s culture and values and to concentrate upon those competencies that are genuinely useful to the organization.

Our areas of excellence

Learn more about our management training programs by visiting the sections that interest you

Coaching for leaders

A course in coaching meant for managers and those who supervise company human resources. Participants learn to use coaching competencies during normal daily managerial activities and are provided with useful practical tools for developing the accountability and independence of their co-workers.

Learn more about our coaching courses

Courses on coaching competencies directed towards managers to increase their success in the management and development of their team.

What are the most effective methods for defining the goals of co-workers?
How can we identify the stimulus for promoting motivation?
How can we promote individual accountability?
What are the methodologies for developing options that produce quality choices?
How can we learn from experience in order to manage the unforeseen effectively?

The coaching courses for management directed at business leaders open the way to learning the coaching competencies that can be used in daily activities to increase real success in managing direct accountability, workloads and pressure, and in promoting the motivation and personal accountability of the leader’s team.

The training programs in coaching competencies enable participants to acquire the most effective tools and approaches to enhance leaders’ managerial fund of experience.

Each training program is designed to reach the results desired by the organization and presents immediately applicable work methods.

Ask us about a customized proposal for your company

Company mentoring

A training program developed to acknowledge and take advantage of the experience of a company’s internal resources and to direct and transform the phenomenon of ageing into a great opportunity, spreading the company’s values and culture and maintaining the distinctive know-how of the organization.

Learn more of our courses for internal mentors

Training in mentoring directed towards managers and professionals to acknowledge and take advantage of experience and spread the company’s culture, values and know-how.

How can the distinctive competencies found in a business be passed on successfully?
How can a competitive advantage be gained from the long-term permanence of a company’s resources and the phenomenon of ageing?
Which competencies are useful for accompanying newly appointed personnel so that they enter quickly into the processes and culture of the business?
Which strategies and considerations can be used simultaneously to teach a job and encourage independence?

Training in the competencies of mentoring directed towards those who hold professional and managerial roles is one of the investments that can produce the greatest returns for an organization, both because it helps to maintain and develop the distinctive know-how and because it contributes to the motivation of more mature personnel, by making ageing a competitive factor.

In actual fact, the mentors in a business can guarantee the successful transfer of distinctive competencies in specific strategic areas of the business and can accompany younger team members in gaining complete knowledge of the organization with great speed, in such a way as to make them productive and effective in the shortest possible time.

Mentoring competencies are particularly useful for more mature professional figures who, through their own professional history, have gained the unique strategic competencies that require long experience.

An in-house business mentor is effective when he succeeds in teaching the distinctive competencies of his role, so promoting the independence of the mentee: not always an easy thing to do, since the expert sometimes offers solutions without involving the mentee in the process of analysis and decision-making.

Effective training makes the internal business mentor capable of sharing his experience, leaving space for consolidating the mentee’s capacities of analysis and choice, so promoting the development of resources who provide continuity and, when useful, innovations.

Each program of training in the competencies of mentoring is designed with a systemic approach to guarantee complete consistency with the values, work procedures and culture of the business.

Find out how training a business mentor could be useful for your business

Strategic communication

This area covers training programs for learning the most evolved methodologies and communicative techniques for generating an immediately productive and positive relationship with the other parties in an interaction.

Learn more of our strategic communication courses
Menslab’s courses in strategic communication lead to rapid learning of the secrets of entering into a relationship with others in an interaction and of achieving the correct communicative objectives.
How can true communicative effectiveness be developed?
Are we flexible and effective in communicating our ideas?
Do we know how to exploit our message to the full?
Are we building clear communicative objectives?
Do we recognize our own values and their impact on communication and negotiation?
How does our non-verbal language influence communication?

Menslab’s training courses in strategic communication allow participants to recognize the different languages, their own and those of others, in any exchange, and practise communicative flexibility, fundamental for being successful communicators.

As well as effective and persuasive communication techniques, particular attention is given to controlling emotions and self management so as to have immediate access to better personal resources for more readily gaining communicate objectives.

Ask for a customized training proposal

Public speaking – Inspiring presentations

Paths enabling the development of personal ability and confidence in speaking in public, chairing work meetings, presenting one’s own work to business meetings. The courses focus on the development of public speaking techniques and strategies and on the exploitation of individual qualities, so as to make presentations sources of inspiration and motivation for the audience.

Decide now to communicate successfully in public

Training in speaking in public that opens the way to presenting one’s ideas successfully and engrossing the audience.

Why should they listen to me?
How can an audience’s attention be drawn?
What are the routes to follow for preparing an effective and engrossing presentation?
How can I feel confident in front of an audience?
What are the secrets for creating and telling a captivating story?

Menslab’s training programs in public speaking make it possible to learn and practise effective techniques and useful methodologies for presenting yourself with confidence and success in front of an audience. You will exploit your own message and experiences, which become sources for effective and engrossing narratives.

On the basis of the organization’s objectives, Menslab’s international team design effective training paths towards communication in public so that every public speaking occasion becomes a pleasurable experience that produces results for the organization.

Ask for a proposal designed for your organization

Customized training

These are innovative programs of management training developed by our team to accompany businesses and organizations in their development plans.

Contact us to share your objectives with us and receive a customized offer

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Contact us for a customized proposal

Choose which courses of coaching, mentoring and strategic communication could achieve concrete results for your business.

Fill in the form to contact us: we shall be happy to provide you with all the information you need to develop the most useful training programs for your business.

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