Giuseppe Meli

Giuseppe Meli is a sociologist of communication, specialized in the training of adults and in socio-linguistics. He is a Master Certified Coach, with credentials awarded by the ICF – the International Coach Federation, Licensed Trainer of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) – certified by the Society of NLP, and Master Coach Trainer certified by Success Unlimited Network of Washington, a society for which he has been international training director and director for Europe.
He is Menslab’s training director and has co-designed the systemic evolutionary coach training and certification program, accredited as ACTP by the ICF.
He is the co-author of the book “L’evoluzione contagiosa: come allenarsi a vivere la vita desiderata” (Contagious evolution: how to teach yourself to live the life you desire).

Before dedicating himself to coaching he held, for more than ten years, managerial positions in the field of human resources development in industrial businesses and service industries.

From 2004 he has fulfilled the function of ICF assessor for examinations for professional coaches up to the highest level of certification and, currently, is part of the Credentialing Training Team of the ICF, taking care – with Master Coach colleagues from all over the world – of the training of assessors, mainly in Europe, the United States and Asia.
His coaching clients are mainly executives, professionals, sporting teams and multinational corporate boards of directors.

He has designed and co-ordinated numerous coaching academies for internal coaches and mentors in various fields and has accompanied more than 300 coaches to international accreditation.
He is the mentor coach and supervisor of numerous professional coaches in Europe, the United States and Latin America and has developed a training and certification program for mentor coaches and supervisors that he has offered for more than five years throughout Europe. He has been a speaker on coaching in numerous international conferences.